Seminar and Launch of the Digital Repository of Endanger and Affected Manuscript in Southeast Asia Program (DREAMSEA)

Reportage: Arwan Subakti

Medan Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta- Digital Repository of Endanger and Affected Manuscript in Southeast Asia (DREAMSEA) is a collaboration program between the Center for Islamic Studies and the Community of PPIM UIN Jakarta with the Center for Cultural Studies Manuscripts / Center for the Study of Manuscript Culture (CSMC), University of Hamburg and supported by ARCADIA, UK.

The event was held at the National Library of Indonesia Auditorium 2nd floor Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan on Wednesday (1/24). Also present included Deputy Director of Library Development and Information Services of the National Library of Indonesia Ofy Sofiana, Head of the Jakarta Research and Development Center Muhammad Adlin Sila, UIN Jakarta PPIM Advisory Board Samhari, Head of Research & Literature Center & Religious Affairs Ministry M. Zein, and other invitees.

In his speech PPIM Executive Director Saiful Umam explained that DREAMSEA was initiated by two philologists Prof. Dr. Jan Van der Putten of the Center for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC) of the University of Hamburg and Prof. Dr. Oman Fathurrahman from the Center for Islamic and Community Studies (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta. The program will run until 2022 with support from ARCADIA, a London-based donor and initiated by Rausing and Peter Baldwin.

Saiful explained that DREAMSEA is an important program in terms of care and preservation of all manuscripts, especially those in the Southeast Asian region. “The form of preservation of manuscripts offered is the transfer of manuscript media into digital form or popularly called ‘manuscript digitalization’,” he continued. DREAMSEA in the next five years aims to produce at least 240,000 digital manuscript images from all over the Southeast Asia region.

Another goal to be achieved from the DREAMSEA program is to make the manuscripts easily accessible for wider needs. DREAMSEA will build an online repository that provides data on all manuscripts that have been made digitally. This repository will serve to make it easier for researchers to get data related to the diversity of Southeast Asian manuscripts while maintaining manuscript text through academic and popular studies.

The head of the National Library Muhammad Syarif Bando, who was also the keynote speaker of the event, emphasized that the government highly appreciated philologists. National Library according to the mandate of Law No. 43 of 2007 that librarians whose duties are to gather scattered and disseminate information. National library as a national repository center which is then managed and can be utilized for the community.

Syarif also ensured that the scattered manuscripts could be understood by the public because these texts had noble cultural values ​​which were the identity of the Indonesian people. The government must cooperate with all parties to review ancient manuscripts and retrieve information about noble values ​​that cannot be separated from the history of the Indonesian nation. Syarif supports the efforts made by the National Library to facilitate and bridge the preservation of ancient texts. “Let the government, parliament and society cooperate and build strength in the preservation of the manuscript,” he concluded.

The seminar was filled by speakers from the Republic of Indonesia National Office of the Republic of Indonesia Muhammad Syarif Bando, Head of Sub Division of National History of the Ministry of Education and Culture Suharja, Chairperson of the Archipelago Penaskahan Society Munawan Kholil. A ceremony is hosted by the Sundanese Script Filologist and Librarian at the National Library of Indonesia Aditia Gunawan.


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