By Siti Aisah

Edi Dolan (doc. – Edi Dolan who is often called Edo or “Ki Domas”, is an artist who has many talents, ranging from painting, sculpting, writing poetry, playing theater to reading ancient manuscripts. Another skill is pouring Nusantara scripts on paper in the form of calligraphy, whether in the form of text or stringing characters into a figure.
Although Edo is now domiciled in Bandung, it turns out he spent his school years in Central Java. It was only after the father retired from the TNI in 1990, Edo and his family decided to move to Bandung. In Bandung he and other artists founded the “Gerbong” community, which in the end was quite famous there. Gerbong communities often hold exhibitions from narrow alleys to well-known campuses, many of their works contain social criticism.
This man born in Jepara on April 10, 1969 knew Sundanese script in 2005 from a t-shirt image used by one of his friends. After learning that Sundanese characters were not only Cacarakan, he began to seek information and learn from his friends from the philological circle. He also diligently goes to museums. In 2007 he learned from Dr. Tedi Permadi, M. Hum, at an Sundanese script exhibition that uses daluang as his medium.

Calligraphy on “daluang paper” medium by Edi Dolan (doc.
Daluang (Mulberry Paper) is paper made from the bark of the Saéh tree (Broussonetia papyryfera Vent). For his dedication to preserving and using daluang as his painting media, in 2014 he was designated as the maestro of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.
Since the first time he has exhibited the results of his works from 1990 to 2018, around 80 exhibitions that he has done personally and collaborated with fellow artists and philologists. Edi Dolan can be contacted via his Facebook page: