Jatinangor Aksara Sunda Community Holds “Saba Kota Saba Aksara”

Kairaga.com – The community of Sundanese script lovers who are members of Jatinangor Aksara Sunda (JAS), conducts socialization of writing and how to read Sundanese characters in one corner of Bandung City Square (Sunday, 11/3).

The activity titled “Saba Kota Saba Aksara” is an attempt to introduce Sundanese characters to the general public while chatting casually. The head of the JAS community, Usi (Téh Usi), said that the activity was first held in an open place, with the intention that people would more easily get insight into literacy in Sundanese characters.

The target of participants who took part in this activity besides a number of community members, also of course the general public. Some of them are children and teenagers who are curious to learn Sundanese characters. The media used is the white board for writing practice, guidebooks, and literacy cards.

The alphabet card was developed by JAS as one of the fun learning methods. Each card consists of one Sundanese script on one side, with Latin characters on the other. With this method it is expected to be easier to memorize Sundanese characters.

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Ilham Nurwansah

Admin Kairaga.com. Tulisan-tulisannnya dimuat di surat kabar dan majalah. Ilham sering diundang sebagai pemateri seminar maupun workshop tentang naskah dan aksara Sunda. Selain itu, ia juga merupakan pemerhati naskah dan aksara Nusantara dalam dunia digital. Baca juga tulisan-tulisannya yang lain di blog inurwansah.my.id.

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